Environment Configuration

How to take a site live

When you're ready to deploy a site on your production domain, there are several steps you must take. Change site address If you're running a cluster, the WordPress Site Address (URL ) addon will allow you to easily make global changes to the URL of your site. Simply...

How should Redis object caching be configured?

For single node/standalone: In LiteSpeed Object Cache settings, establish your Redis connection with: Object Cache: ONMethod: RedisHost: /var/run/redis/redis.sockPort: 0 For cluster environments: In LiteSpeed Object Cache settings, establish your Redis connection...

Deploying sites via multitenancy

This is a temporary support article for those interested in experimenting with multitenancy. One-click kit installations will be in development soon to simplify this process. Gist with scripts and config modifications

DDoS protection & mitigation

The MightyBox platform monitors for DDoS attacks at the network level and, when recognized, will vacuum nefarious traffic away from your nodes to protect your site.  It is possible, however, that an attack can happen without automatically being identified. If you...

Connecting to a MightyBox node via SSH

Note: any changes made via SSH that do not take place in a shared storage node folder must be performed on each node individually. MightyBox supports two SSH connection methods:  Web SSH The platform allows you connect to any node directly through the browser via...

Change an environment’s PHP version

You can redeploy an environment with a new version of PHP in just a few steps: Open the environment topology manager and locate the PHP version: Click to open the deployment manager, where you'll see a dropdown with options in the format of X-php-Y where "Y" is the...

BuddyBoss environment configuration

BuddyBoss has several unique requirements that must be configured properly for optimal platform functionality. Disable conflicting firewall rule for BuddyBoss app In the file /var/www/conf/comodo_litespeed/26_Apps_WordPress.confremove or comment out the following...

Accessing nodes with root user

In most cases, SSH access to nodes within your environment is intentionally scoped to an application-specific user to prevent accidental corruption of key container configuration. We understand, however, that some users may occasionally need full root access to...