Environment Configuration

Adjusting scaling parameters in a cluster

1. The parameters for a cluster can be adjusted in the Settings. Navigate to Auto Horizontal Scaling and click on Add to create a rule. 2. (1) On the dropdown, select which node you want to apply it to and then (2) select which parameter you want to monitor for the...

Forgot phpMyAdmin credentials

If you forgot the login credentials to your database, you can easily retrieve it from your wp-config.php file. For both standalone & cluster environment: 1. To access wp-config.php, go to the Config of your Application Server by clicking on the wrench icon. 2....

Activating SSL on an environment

Our convenient SSL addon simplifies the process of obtaining and renewing free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt. To install or update domains on your SSL certificate, first ensure the domain you're authorizing is pointed to the public IP of the environment. Then,...

Show real visitor IP instead of CloudFlare IPs

When using CloudFlare CDN in front of your LiteSpeed Web Server, you may see a proxy IP instead of the real IP addresses of visitors: Additional configuration is needed to reveal visitor IP addresses in your Litespeed logs. To restore real visitor IPs, navigate...

Sending email from your sites

While MightyBox servers are capable of sending mail from your WordPress environment, you'll often find that delivery rates of messages sent in this manner are far from optimal. For a variety of technical and logistical reasons, our servers are simply not designed for...

Redirect all traffic to HTTPS in Litespeed

To ensure that all traffic is served over a HTTPS connection, modify .htaccess to add the following snippet at the very top of the file: #redirect HTTP to HTTPS <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$ RewriteRule .*...

Mount Points

Mount points are a data-sharing functionality between nodes within the same account. A mount point is initiated from the client (receiving) container and creates a connection that allows accessing and operating data on the remote server as if it were local files....

Modifying OPcache

MightyBox supports custom OPcache configurations. Open the config manager or SSH into the server and navigate to /usr/local/lsws/lsphp/etc/php.d/10-opcache.ini After making the desired changes, restart Litespeed.

MightyBox SSH Gate Overview

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol used to connect securely to a remote container and execute the required commands on it. SSH commands are encrypted and secure: client/server connection is authenticated using a digital certificate, and passwords are protected by...