Command Line

How to resolve 500 errors

Getting an Error 500 may sound like there is something wrong with the server, but this is actually an error in the WordPress code base – either in the plug-ins, in core, or in the theme. To find out where exactly the error is you can follow any of the steps below. Via...

How to determine what directories or files are consuming disk space

1. On the AppServer level, open up Web SSH. 2. Start at the root by entering cd / and run the following command (this will return the 5 largest directories): du -hs * | sort -rh | head -5 Note: You may get a bunch of errors if you don't have permissions...

How to SSH into a container over public IP

If you need to give system access to a user that does not have a MightyBox account, follow the steps below. 1. On the AppServer level, click on the hexagon icon to access the Add-Ons. Find and install Root Access. 2. Turn off firewall on the node. 3. Generate your...

Find files on system containing specific text

To search for text inside of files and show a snippet containing the match, use the following command: grep -rnw {PATH} -e {TEXT_TO_SEARCH_FOR} Such as: grep -rnw / -e examplephrase If your search parameter includes spaces or special characters, make sure to enclose...

Search for a file by name

find {PATH} -name {FILENAME} Search current directory for file with exact name: find . -name name.pdf Or by wildcard: find . -name "*.js"