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  • Adjusting scaling parameters in a cluster

    1. The parameters for a cluster can be adjusted in the Settings. Navigate to Auto Horizontal Scaling and click on Add to create a rule. 2. (1) On the dropdown, select which node you want to apply it to and then (2) select which parameter you want to monitor for the rule you are creating.…

  • How to resolve 500 errors

    Getting an Error 500 may sound like there is something wrong with the server, but this is actually an error in the WordPress code base – either in the plug-ins, in core, or in the theme. To find out where exactly the error is you can follow any of the steps below. Via Log files…

  • How to Add an SFTP User

    Our SSH gateway provides convenient access to all of your environments via SSH keys, but sometimes password-based access is required to give clients or other non-MightyBox users a login, for example. The ‘SFTP/SSH Users‘ add-on should be installed on the application server level of your site to be able to add & manage SFTP user…