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  • I’m getting an error “This site can’t be reached”

    In a clustered install, if you’re intermittently receiving an error “This site can’t be reached. took too long to respond.” but all nodes/DNS/etc appear to be configured correctly, it’s possible that your load balancer layer has run out of disk space.  Running out of disk space in a load-balanced environment prevents the balancer from…

  • How to disable specific firewall rules

    Occasionally a particular plugin or theme will cause a site to throw 403 errors when accessing specific pages or functionality.  When this happens without explanation, the first place to look is in the Litespeed Error logs to see if the web application firewall is to blame: In the log, search for “403” or “ModSecurity” to…

  • Error: “Refused to frame because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive”

    A content security policy (CSP) is in place by default on all Litespeed servers. It can, however, result in javascript console errors such as: If you’re experiencing this problem, the CSP can be edited or removed in your application node layer at: A tool such as can be useful in generating a properly-formatted CSP header.  After…