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  • Modifying OPcache

    MightyBox supports custom OPcache configurations. Open the config manager or SSH into the server and navigate to After making the desired changes, restart Litespeed.

  • MightyBox SSH Gate Overview

    SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol used to connect securely to a remote container and execute the required commands on it. SSH commands are encrypted and secure: client/server connection is authenticated using a digital certificate, and passwords are protected by being encrypted. To make SSH access available in MightyBox, a new infrastructure component was added to…

  • How to upgrade the server stack (webserver, PHP, etc) within an environment

    Open the environment topology manager, and click the setting for software and/or PHP version (both will open the same prompt): Choose the new version of software/PHP/etc that you’d like to use: Ensure that “Keep volumes data” is turned on (it should be by default) and then select “Redeploy” to complete the process: If there are…