BuddyBoss environment configuration
BuddyBoss has several unique requirements that must be configured properly for optimal platform functionality. Disable conflicting firewall rule for BuddyBoss app In the file /var/www/conf/comodo_litespeed/26_Apps_WordPress.confremove or comment out the following (around like 73): Then restart Litespeed on each app server or restart the entire application layer. Enable GD support in PHP In /usr/local/lsws/lsphp/etc/php.d/20-gd.ini uncomment line 2: Then restart LiteSpeed or…
Accessing nodes with root user
In most cases, SSH access to nodes within your environment is intentionally scoped to an application-specific user to prevent accidental corruption of key container configuration. We understand, however, that some users may occasionally need full root access to install certain packages that are not supported as part of the default stacks offered by MightyBox. NOTE:…
How do I export my database without using PHPMyAdmin?
If you encounter problems using PHPMyAdmin to export large databases, you can perform the export from the command line instead. First open up wp-config.php and take note of your database name, username, and password. Then SSH into the application layer of your environment and use those values to run the run the following command: For…