Why don’t my domains work in WP Ultimo after transferring my site to MightyBox?
WP Ultimo uses the file /wp-content/sunrise.php to bootstrap the functionality required for domain mapping. Though this file was likely transferred via your chosen migration method, the integration also requires a constant to be set in wp-config.php. If you’re using the default config provided by MightyBox, this constant will not be set. To remedy this, open…
Activating SSL on an environment
Our convenient SSL addon simplifies the process of obtaining and renewing free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt. To install or update domains on your SSL certificate, first ensure the domain you’re authorizing is pointed to the public IP of the environment. Then, expand the environment topology and find the Let’s Encrypt SSL addon. The addon…
Monitoring your site performance with New Relic
New Relic is an application performance monitoring (APM) tool for Developers and Ops, focused on providing deep insight into the project’s performance and reliability in real-time. Designed to pinpoint and diagnose issues within an application, it can track the throughput of your web transactions, analyze application exceptions, find slowness in queries or web requests, and, generally,…