How many cloudlets do I need to support my application?
A very common question we receive is “How many cloudlets do I need to provision to handle X concurrent users?” Unfortunately, this question is nearly impossible to answer without formal load testing. The number of visitors supported by a particular set of provisioned resources is highly variable and is determined by your application’s unique theme, plugin…
How do I load test an environment?
When developing scalable topologies on MightyBox, we encourage you to properly load test all production environments to ensure they perform as expected. Please note, however, that you cannot load test environments via their *.mightybox.site domains (or via a custom domain that’s CNAMED through the mightybox.site alias). Doing so will saturate the shared load balancer and cause your…
Enabling server cron to replace WP cron
WP cron is an ingenious, low-tech solution to a complex problem: allowing content publishing and other activities to be scheduled within a WordPress site without requiring a sysadmin to be involved in writing cron configuration files. The approach, however, is also notoriously unreliable for anything that requires a real, consistent schedule. Fortunately, with a small amount of…